
I work as a massage therapist. I love what I do.

I feel humbled by seeing how clients transformed over the year.  What I did was just seeing them once or twice a month, sometime every week giving massage treatments. And rest of the time, they worked on themselves to be better physically and psychologically.

Everyone has power to change. What can I do to support them? What's the most I can do for them?

Just reflecting who they are.

What I see in them. I can reflect and let them see their strength to change for better, better posture, diet, life style that they want to have. Reflect and help them to see what they really want and what they can do about it.

We can be locked in the world of own perception. I myself often caught in the world of my own. Not be able to believe what I can really do.

What did I do differently this year?

Personally, I kept meditating. I reflected. I opened up to others. I asked for help. I jumped into getting what I wanted. I got scared but persisted to keep going. I challenged own perception of the world. I received a lot support from teachers and friends. Meditating everyday is powerful tool to built own stillness and strength inside of  me.

At work, I listened to my clients more, I tried to see who they really are and what they really want. I reflected to them. I learnt new skills to be a better therapist.

I've changed. I became bigger to have more capacity to give more.

Having opportunities for helping others to change is such a privilege. I feel empowered and touched  by the power of clients who made such a change this year. And how little I did for that to happen and continuously keep happening.


Looking forward to seeing it happening more next year!!


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