
When we were school kids, teachers made us recite some famous poems. One of those poems which still remain in my mind is "Ame ni mo makezu" by Kenji Miyazawa. I remember the poem especially when winter winds blow against me. I wish there is no lost in English translation as it is very simple and yet dynamic and powerful. I like this philosophical poem that I want to follow and I don't want to forget. There are several versions of translation for this poem, but I think the "Stand up to the rain" is more like the original.

「雨にもまけず」  宮沢賢治         

雨にもまけず 風にもまけず
雪にも夏の暑さにもまけぬ 丈夫なからだをもち
慾はなく 決して瞋らず いつもしずかにわらっている  
一日に玄米四合と 味噌と少しの野菜をたべ  
あらゆることを じぶんをかんじょうに入れずに  
よくみききし わかり そして わすれず  
野原の松の林の蔭の 小さな萱ぶきの小屋にいて  
東に病氣のこどもあれば  行って看病してやり  
西につかれた母あれば  行ってその稻の束を負い
南に死にそうな人あれば 行って こわがらなくてもいいといい
北にけんかや そしょうがあれば つまらないから やめろといい
ひでりのときは なみだをながし さむさのなつは おろおろ あるき
みんなに でくのぼうとよばれ ほめられもせず くにもされず
そういうものに わたしはなりたい


  1. Hi, Taka. This is Misao. I'll try to leave a comment in English.
    I like this poem, too. Today, Komagane have a heavy rain. I'll have to go some places today, this poem cheered me up!
    I'm looking forward to meet you again some day.
    I also have a website. Please visit this URL: http://midwifemisao.jp/

    See you.

  2. Hi Misao chan!!
    Thank you for visiting my page.
    Your web site is so sophisticated!!
    You are very active like you always were at our college. I am so impressed with your determination to make things better for community and women. You cheered me up, thank you!



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