From this week, I started to travel to the massage course by train. It takes 45 minuets and about an hour from door to door. I found it very relaxing compare to driving up the mountain via high way. I have a lot of time for reading, sleeping, looking at the mountains and bush, and meditating which I couldn't have done in the car. I always feel an interesting thing about train journey. The time and space in the train is somehow different from that of outside of train, as if I am traveling time much faster than the outside world and I become an observer who is looking through the world. The windows seem to be a multi screen displaying people who are going to school and work, or endless scenery of the magnificent nature. In return, I like to see the moving trains from outside especially at night. At the windows, I see people who may be going back to home, each individual is doing different things; looking out of windows, chatting with friends, talking on the mobile or sleeping peacefu...
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