Ture self

You can't tell who they really are from how they look or what they do, can you?
People tend to judge others by their look and attitude.
It's because really easy to see by eyes or hear. It's so visible and obvious.
Attitude or saying in words could reflect what people think, but how many people are really doing how they want to do or what they think they wish to do.

I am interested in how people really think.
What would happen if all human-beings started to act honestly for themselves.
Maybe it is the different from animal and human.
Human have a capacity to lie themselves or hide true thoughts and act for other's benefit.
Thinking that other's benefit is your gain, which, in other word, is LOVE.
Maybe that the start of the development of community.
Keeping harmony is the priority within the community.
In American Indian culture, they don't have any law, in fact, it is not necessary.
Having a strong tie in the community, it is fearful for individuals to lose the tie by acting different from what people think right.

It all comes around and contradict from what I said earlier, but, what we do can also show who we really are. Words coming out from careful thoughts, attitude based on suppressing their true desire and act selflessly are the example.

Now, I'm confusing.

Only you know who you are.
Nobody can tell or judge your true self is.
And probably other's judgment doesn't mean any thing.
It's not the loneliness you feel right now, but it's the desire to find who you really want to be.
There is no right or wrong answer about it.
But if you can maintain "harmony", it's relatively the way to do as you see in nature which keeps harmony within the Earth itself and we are belong to it.

You don't know sometimes what to follow, what to do and what are you waiting for, things around you just blind you and make you feel uncomfortable and unsettled.

The only thing I am sure about is keeping "harmony", so I just try to make harmony, and that is , who I am for now.


  1. 孝子さん、お久しぶりです。大学の軽音部でいっしょだった高橋知香です。みつ先輩に孝子さんのこと聞いて驚きました。シドニーにおられるんですか?私は今メルボルンで勉強中です。OETチャレンジしようかと思いまして。時間がありましたら連絡いただけると嬉しいです。ns981043@yahoo.co.jp


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