Train journey

From this week, I started to travel to the massage course by train. It takes 45 minuets and about an hour from door to door. I found it very relaxing compare to driving up the mountain via high way. I have a lot of time for reading, sleeping, looking at the mountains and bush, and meditating which I couldn't have done in the car.

I always feel an interesting thing about train journey. The time and space in the train is somehow different from that of outside of train, as if I am traveling time much faster than the outside world and I become an observer who is looking through the world. The windows seem to be a multi screen displaying people who are going to school and work, or endless scenery of the magnificent nature.

In return, I like to see the moving trains from outside especially at night. At the windows, I see people who may be going back to home, each individual is doing different things; looking out of windows, chatting with friends, talking on the mobile or sleeping peacefully. Everyone has their own lives, thoughts and feelings, whatever it is, train is traveling and carrying all of the passenger from one station to another.

Train journey, according to a general concept about it in Japan, is one of healing methods. I didn't know why it is like that, but I feel relieved when I am in a train. I have some nice memories from train journey. We used to have a special plastic tea pot and a rid which is also a tiny tea cup sold only at the station. I loved the little special thing and how sweet it was to see the scene when eldery couples smiling and sharing the tea as if the tea was very precious. I didn't enjoy the tea as a child but I liked it very much. It's ashame it's not as popular as much these days.

Another special thing about train journey in Japan is food. You can get different packed lunch from most major stations, people even travel by train only to buy the particular lunch pack. Those special lunch boxes are as special as the three or four star restaurant menu, and taste nice too. Oh, I started to miss all those things about Japan,,,,

Oh, no, the topic was shifting from healing to food, but, probably food is also contributing to the healing aspect.

There is something about train. We can see dramas in and from it. Trains are carrying people's life itself. It just keep carrying on even though people can't move on by themselves.

Thanks to technology.


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