
1) describes someone who is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially about happy memories of past events or relationships with other people, rather than by careful thought and judgment based on facts

Quote:Cambridge Online dictionary

Yes, I was...
Well, I drove down the place where I used to go for work. It was always my favourit route to drive. There is a vast field of greens and turfs, horses are eating lawns very peacefully and silently. Birds were flying around over my car and sometimes just next to the car as if I was flying with them. A couple of Dandelion or feathers was in front of my car, floating timelessly.

Happy to be there but I missed it too much. My memories from the past were coming back to me as I drove the same road on which I used to spend time to reflect myself before and after work listening the favourite radio station.

It's the season to be sentimental for me too. Autumn is always the season of sentimental in my life. I guess the cold wind and the changing colour of the leaves are contributing it.

It's surprising to realise that how much I miss what I used to take it for granted. In fact, the sentimentalism was all over me since then. There are things that have been changed and other things that haven't changed, with or without me. It may be normal to be sentimental because that's how memories and feelings work. Or, I don't know,,,,, it may be just hormonal(lol).

Anyway, time just passes continuously from now to tomorrow, and then today will be another past. So let it be sentimental as long as it goes. It will be another memory to smile or laugh at in the future.


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