Out of blue

It didn't take too much time to recover from the sentimentalism.
It's been a busy week though.
Work, catching up with friends, study, then work again, study again and having visitor, and shopping.
I bought a PDA and installed a medication dictionary which will help a lot at work to check medication details before administration. Without this marvelous device, I needed to go through a reference book to check each medication at work. I think the government should give it to all nurses and doctors.

I try to follow what my heart is telling me, especially when I am in blue. Eat as I want, do as I like, sleep as much as I need without thinking too much about consequences of them. It helped me certainly. It's also nice to talk to someone who know me very well, and they lift my spirit up.

I am going to watch my favourite DVDs this weekend and have a good rest.

My massage course is getting harder and harder, so many things to learn, think, and practice. I am a little bit behind from what I supposed to be doing but I am going to catch up soon.

It's going to be a full moon soon. So I am going to be in full power.


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