Something new

It may sound a bit strange but I had been afraid of getting out of comfort zone for a long long time. Although I left Japan and came to Australia where is very different environment from I used to live, I was trying to be in a comfort zone to keep myself safe. Year 2008 is the turning point which I started to learn how to across beyond the comfort zone by knowing it's normal to be afraid to do something new but it's not as bad as I usually imagine.

I remember I used to have confidence and never afraid of anything when I was very young. As I get older, as I failed to do something, as I experienced bitterness of life and relationships with others, as I injured or got sick, I became more less confident and fearful of something that I couldn't control.

Yes, there are many things that I can't control such as nature, time, gravity, people's mind, emotions that created spontaneously, and so on. However I had enough of it, I suffered enough from it. The wrong perception of reality created all the imaginary FEAR that was not even existed, as if I was afraid of dying before even being born on the earth.

"Serenity" is one of my favourite words (as you know from the movie "the castle") now. In my theory, I can feel Serenity when my perception of life is close enough to the reality or real ability of myself ie knowing and doing things that I can do and letting go all things that I can't even control of it, like Nature. Interesting enough, the Nature is the one that makes me realize what the serenity is.

In "Star Wars" speaking, fear and anger pull the Jedi to the dark side of the force. There is always two sides in everything. The light side and dark side of the force, for example. I have to know the dark side of the force and take a balance between the two side. I will be alright as long as I know that there is the way to go to the light side if I find myself in the dark side.

May the force be with you.


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