Night duty

It's was a first night shift in 5 years since I left Japan. I just came back home from a nursing home where I started to work from this week.

I actually enjoy very much going back to work as a nurse again. I haven't done this for such a long time and the duty at the nursing home is different from that in hospital. I was lucky to work with the other experienced nurse who taught me through most of the duty very thoroughly tonight . The responsibility I have is challenging role for me. However, it is one of the phase that I need to go through, so I'm just going to enjoy the learning process.

Most of my friends(Overseas Qualified Nurses) who studied together to improve our English for nursing at TAFE two years ago passed the assessment to practice as a registered nurse in Australia, and they are working in nursing homes and hospitals. We only had one chance to have the assessment so we were always nervous to think about it and our unknown future. Looking back the time when we were so stressed, nervous, worried, cried, afraid, and disappointed, I can't help feeling that we all tried our best and supported each other by cheering one another, and lifting our spirits up.

I can't appreciate enough to my friends and teachers who brought me up to this stage. I am actually working as an RN now, and realize deeply that I really enjoy it.

Hope to get in touch with OQN friends soon, I 'm going to organize another OQN reunion in early July. Those of you who are going to have the assessment this year, all the best to you. Remember, now you have a lot of supporters for the assessment who can give advice in detail. I hope we all keep in touch via emails or my blog as I am trying to update work diary too. I hope you post some of your stories too!!


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