From the local news paper in my home town in Japan. In early spring, there is a road opening through the snow walls. I've never been to the road, but it must been fascinating.
Life is a funny thing. If I list every single thing I want to do in my life, I would be devastated to know it's impossible to fulfill everything. Knowing that, I was silly, I did, I listed it in my head and devastated. Major storm in my head. It blinds you from what you have now which constantly giving you safety and place to even think about it. I don't know why I trapped by such a obvious thing from time to time. And why I forget that it always comes and goes like a storm and it's not the end of life. Funny thing the emotion is also, sometime logical thinking doesn't explain everything. It's a slow progress to become who I want to be. Keeping peace in mind and do not panic. It may take three step forward and two step back, sometime three or four step back. But I should know I will get there where I can look back and laugh about the past. I just appreciate the every support people provide me and give warmth in my heart. Tomorrow is another day. Let's step forwa...
From this week, I started to travel to the massage course by train. It takes 45 minuets and about an hour from door to door. I found it very relaxing compare to driving up the mountain via high way. I have a lot of time for reading, sleeping, looking at the mountains and bush, and meditating which I couldn't have done in the car. I always feel an interesting thing about train journey. The time and space in the train is somehow different from that of outside of train, as if I am traveling time much faster than the outside world and I become an observer who is looking through the world. The windows seem to be a multi screen displaying people who are going to school and work, or endless scenery of the magnificent nature. In return, I like to see the moving trains from outside especially at night. At the windows, I see people who may be going back to home, each individual is doing different things; looking out of windows, chatting with friends, talking on the mobile or sleeping peacefu...
You can't tell who they really are from how they look or what they do, can you? People tend to judge others by their look and attitude. It's because really easy to see by eyes or hear. It's so visible and obvious. Attitude or saying in words could reflect what people think, but how many people are really doing how they want to do or what they think they wish to do. I am interested in how people really think. What would happen if all human-beings started to act honestly for themselves. Maybe it is the different from animal and human. Human have a capacity to lie themselves or hide true thoughts and act for other's benefit. Thinking that other's benefit is your gain, which, in other word, is LOVE. Maybe that the start of the development of community. Keeping harmony is the priority within the community. In American Indian culture, they don't have any law, in fact, it is not necessary. Having a strong tie in the community, it is fearful for individuals to lose t...
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